I have not spent a bunch of time rallying either for or against the healthcare debate, mostly because what I say or think will not make one iota of difference anyway. So why get a full head of steam built up when there is no train on the track? Since steam trains don't routinely run the tracks any longer, this analogy just does not make any sense? Well that is EXACTLY how I feel about this healthcare bill as it is currently written.
At 2800 pages long, THIS health bill it is just too much for anyone to get their proverbial arms around, much less actually digest. It confounds me as to what the big attraction is in this bill that makes grown politicians throw caution to the wind along with their potentially long political careers just to cram all of this through RIGHT NOW? Doesn't that make anyone else just a little bit curious and NERVOUS? Just what flavor of Kool-Aid are these folks drinking?