Recall the Three Musketeers battle cry: "All for one and one for all"? Today our modern economic system serves half this axiom - "All for one." Our system is at full production concentrating wealth in unprecedented measure. As power shifts from the many to the few "all" pay the price. The single greatest cause of the worldwide economic unraveling is our propensity for consolidating power and concentrating wealth. The "system" now functions to elevate a few at the expense of many.
We find ourselves in the midst of the most challenging economic times since the Great Depression. Even in the "depression" though, the world kept spinning, the sun rose each day, men and women married, babies were born, people started businesses - life went on. Those who focused on life's simple pleasures remained resilient and perhaps found joy even in the most trying of times. Faith in a brighter tomorrow carried the day - like it always does.
So here we are. To move forward, to recover, to prosper we must choose anew. We must expose the error of our ways and act purposely and deliberately knowing we, all of us, have the power to change this world now. We must choose a new future, a new reality, a new experience. Let me explain...
The rich and powerful see the writing on the wall - "the powers that be" are taking unprecedented steps (committing trillions of borrowed dollars) to secure the system - a system that, unless fundamentally altered, will continue to disenfranchise the masses and in the end destroy itself. We have arrived again at the truism: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." We will continue to experience this trial until we learn the lesson.
We overlook the ultimate solution to this economic challenge because we are so engrossed in the problem we cannot, or dare not, step back to seek and embrace real change. Though we clamor for change, truly we fear it. We cling to the known until, overcome by events, we are swept up by a tide. The only thing people like better than the way things are is the way things were.
We didn't arrive at this predicament over night. Neither Rome nor our economic system, were built in a day. At the end of World War II, by necessity the United States stepped in to restore a shattered system. As could be predicted, however, the arrogance of power gave way to the ingenuity of greed. We began to build a system serving the basest desires of those bold and brazen enough to compete for the prize.
Instead of creating and cooperating, sharing and serving we chose to compete and contest, hoard and dominate. We failed to have faith in possibility, a dream of what could be. Instead we became convinced we had to fight for our fair share of what was.
America, the land of opportunity, was built on the power of dreams and the promise of prosperity to those who seized the day, took responsibility for themselves and found a way to add value to others' lives. When we lost our sight, our vision, our dream, we settled into the mud and mire of the struggle. Scaling back our aspirations sacrificed our freedom and we opened the door for those who seek to consolidate power.
For a sense of security and a modicum of comfort we willingly forfeit our dreams. Without motive the masses succumb to the allure of competitors seizing opportunity and consolidating power. What we have been seeing and experiencing for the past 65 years is a methodical consolidation of power - consolidation of wealth. This centralization of wealth and power inevitably led to the excesses and the greed and corruption of this debt bubble. We made our bed and must lie in it.
To chart a new course we have to energize the many. Not through a welfare state, but by promoting fair, just free enterprise and sound social policies. We cannot continue centralizing wealth but must rather work to empower people. The goal: for people to take responsibility for themselves and once again dream grand dreams and pursue splendid opportunities.
If we continue to choose the status quo, we will decline as a nation and a culture. It is time to truly fulfill the axiom: "All for one, and one for all."
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