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0 A Band-Aid For Healthcare

Thursday, February 25, 2010 Label:

I have not spent a bunch of time rallying either for or against the healthcare debate, mostly because what I say or think will not make one iota of difference anyway. So why get a full head of steam built up when there is no train on the track? Since steam trains don't routinely run the tracks any longer, this analogy just does not make any sense? Well that is EXACTLY how I feel about this healthcare bill as it is currently written.
At 2800 pages long, THIS health bill it is just too much for anyone to get their proverbial arms around, much less actually digest. It confounds me as to what the big attraction is in this bill that makes grown politicians throw caution to the wind along with their potentially long political careers just to cram all of this through RIGHT NOW? Doesn't that make anyone else just a little bit curious and NERVOUS? Just what flavor of Kool-Aid are these folks drinking?

0 Was Thomas Jefferson Antichrist?

Monday, February 15, 2010 Label:

Thomas Jefferson was a Unitarian who denied that Jesus Christ was God. In a letter dated June 26, 1822 Thomas Jefferson wrote to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, "...I trust that there is not a young man now living in the United States who will not die an Unitarian."

As noted above, most Christians believe that the AntiChrist will arise in the last days as a supreme dictator. However, the Bible itself tells us that the antichrist is not just one person, but many.

"Children, even now many antichrists have arisen…They went out from us, but they were not really of us... (I John 2: 18, 19). A few verses later (2:22) we read: "This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son."

0 Why Was Liberia in West Africa Divided?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Label:

fter the emancipation of enslaved African Americans according to my grandparents, there was a divide between white and black Americans. After tiresome negotiations the freed African Americans returned to the land of their ancestors. In 1815, Paul Cufee, and African-American, a marine magnate sponsored a small group of African-Americans to set up trade opportunities in Sierra Leone, West Africa. His idea was to let the African-Americans become self supportive and improve their lifestyles because of the knowledge they gained in America. Unfortunately he died two years later in 1817.

Nevertheless, his dreams were short lived but partially realized because some groups, who favoured colonization, launched a movement to send back volunteered freed African American slaves to settle in West Africa. Then again, the liberated African-Americans were of the opinion that returning to their land of origin in West Africa would be a continuation of slavery for the simple reason that the supporters were slave holders. Moreover, the African Americans wanted to stay in America because they felt they had contributed in building up America.

0 Pros And Cons Of Buying Used History Textbooks Online

Friday, February 05, 2010 Label:

The most obvious and important benefit of buying goods online is the convenience that it provides. Shopping for goods over the Internet can save a lot of time. You do not need to wait for the stationery store to open, or the stocks to arrive. You also do not need to struggle with your already packed schedule.
*The second advantage of buying used history books online is the reduction in cost. Online stores offer greater discounts compared to traditional bookstores. Also, online shopping offers the great advantage of comparing prices for several stores. Sometimes, you can get almost 25 to 30 per cent reduction in price of books.
*Online buying also saves a lot of time that otherwise would have to be allocated in standing in long queues at the college book store.

0 Change Agents Toward a New American Dream

Monday, February 01, 2010 Label:

America will never be what she was on July 4, 1776! Furthermore, America should never be what she is on April 7, 2010. The dreams and visions our Founding Fathers had for America is all but forgotten by most of the world. They have been lost in the rhetoric of the past. What we need today is a 21st Century dream for a New America that will be fueled by what we have learned in our past experiences. What we need is a New America that can dream again.
In comparing July 4, 1776 with April 7, 2010, we can glean many lessons that time has taught us. We can know what works and what does not work. We can discard the things that have not worked. We can renew the things that have worked. We can teach the workable things to our children and children's children. We can refuse to be sidetracked by self-serving special interest groups.

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